Meiho Resort Camp Meiho Resort Camp Meiho Resort Camp Meiho Resort Camp
Meiho Resort Camp




Clear air, big blue sky, under starry sky.
The day spent with important people is just extraordinary.
There are many small adventures in the camp.
With free thinking and your own style, have a special day that can only be found here!

● Shiba ・ (TANADA North East) ・ West East ・ Slope site
Check-in: 13: 00-17: 00
Check out: 11:00 the next day

● GRACE site
Check-in: 14: 00-17: 00
Check out: 10:00 the next day

* If check-in is over 17:00, an additional fee of 3,000 yen will be charged per site.
* If the check-out time is exceeded, an additional 1,000 yen will be charged per site.

● Early check-in11: 00 ~ (1 site 1,000 yen separately) * GRACE site is not applicable

● Late check-outUntil 13:00 the next day (separately 1 site 1,000 yen) * GRACE site is not applicable

* Early check-in and late check-out cannot be reserved.
※レイトチェックアウト時刻を超過された場合はデイキャンプ適用となりお一人様につき 600円の追加料金が発生いたします。
* 50% of the daily rental fee will be charged separately for late check-out when using rental.

  • GRACE site

    Popular glamping site
    Beds are set up in the tent and cottage, so you can spend a relaxing time.

    Number of sites 3 (1 tent, 2 cottages)
    1 tent site (maximum capacity 4 people)
    * For adults only, we recommend 3 people.
    1 cottage site (maximum capacity 5 people)
    * Recommended for adults only, 5 people.

    Check-in 14: 00-17: 00 Check-out next day 10:00
    * Early check-in and late check-out are not possible on the GRACE site.

    GRACE site
    Off charge On charge Top price
    Stella cottage 平日¥24,000/特日¥32,000 平日¥38,000/特日¥45,000 ¥50,000
    Glastent 平日¥18,000/特日¥28,000 平日¥38,000/特日¥45,000 ¥50,000


  • GRACE BALMGrass Balm

    3 minutes by car from Meiho Plateau
    3 minutes walk to Meiho Onsen

    Number of buildings 6
    Maximum capacity 6 people
    Each room has 3 bedrooms separate from the living room Kitchen / bath / toilet / mini saunaCheck-in 15: 00-17: 00
    Check out 10:00
    * Early check-in and late check-out are not permitted as it takes time to clean.

    Off charge On charge Top price
    Grass Balm Weekdays ¥ 26,000



  • Turf site

    A popular turf site near the administration building, water area (drinking water is possible), and flush toilets. We also have many activities that children can enjoy.

    Number of sites 26
    1 tent, 1 tarp, 5 people per site
    Available range 8m x 8m
    No vehicle entry (free rear car rental)
    芝サイト:チェックイン13:00~17:00 チェックアウト翌日11:00
    常設・芝サイト:チェックイン14:00~17:00 チェックアウト翌日10:00

    Turf site
    Off charge On charge Top price
    Turf site 平日¥2,000/特日¥3,000 平日¥3,000/特日¥3,800 ¥4,800
    常設・芝サイト 平日¥5,800/特日¥6,500 平日¥8,000/特日¥8,800 ¥9,800
    入場料/森林保護サーチャージ お1人様 ¥800(未就学児3歳以下無料)


  • TANADA North

    Spacious about 136 square meters. Completely reserved turf site.
    It is divided into 4 terraced rice fields, so you can enjoy a sense of privacy. Since it is a reserved section, it is recommended for those who use large gear or arrive late.
    * You cannot specify the location when making a reservation. Please select in the order of arrival.
    Number of sites: 4 steps 4 sites
    1 tent, 1 tarp, 8 people per site
    Available range 8m x 17m
    Vehicles are not allowed (free rear car rental)
    Check in 13: 00-17: 00 Check out the next day 11:00

    TANADA North
    Off charge On charge Top price
    TANADA North 平日¥3,000/特日¥4,000 平日¥4,000/特日¥4,800 ¥5,800
    入場料/森林保護サーチャージ お1人様 ¥800(未就学児3歳以下無料)


  • TANADA South

    TANADA South

    Spacious about 117 square meters. Completely reserved turf site.
    In addition, since it is a reserved section, it is recommended for those who use large gear or arrive late.
    * You cannot specify the location when making a reservation. Please select in the order of arrival.
    1 tent, 1 tarp, 8 people per site
    Available range 9m x 13m
    Vehicles are not allowed (free rear car rental)
    TANADAサウス:チェックイン13:00~17:00 チェックアウト翌日11:00
    常設・棚田サウス:チェックイン14:00~17:00 チェックアウト翌日10:00

    TANADA サウス DOGサイト

    TANADA サウス DOGサイト


    Off charge On charge Top price
    TANADAサウス/TANADA DOG 平日¥2,200/特日¥3,200 平日¥3,200/特日¥4,000 ¥5,300
    常設・棚田サウス 平日¥6,300/特日¥7,000 平日¥8,500/特日¥9,300 ¥10,300
    入場料/森林保護サーチャージ お1人様 ¥800(未就学児3歳以下無料)


  • Autosite West

    The ground is gravel, and there is a flush toilet and a water place (drinking water is possible) nearby, but it is a little far from the administration building.
    The divisions are separated, but the location cannot be specified.

    Number of sites 26
    1 site
    1 tent, 1 tarp, 1 vehicle per site Capacity 5 people
    Available range 8m x 10m
    Vehicles can enter (1 vehicle per site)
    Check-in Check-in 13: 00 ~ 17: 00 Check-out next day 11:00

    Autosite West
  • Autosite East

    The ground is gravel, and there is a flush toilet and a water place (drinking water is possible) nearby, but it is a little far from the administration building.

    Number of sites 50
    1 site
    1 tent, 1 tarp, 1 vehicle per site Capacity 5 people
    Available range 8m x 10m
    Vehicles can enter (1 vehicle per site)
    Check-in Check-in 13: 00 ~ 17: 00 Check-out next day 11:00

    Autosite East
    Off charge On charge Top price
    ウエスト 平日¥2,000/特日¥3,000 平日¥3,000/特日¥3,800 ¥4,300
    East 平日¥1,500/特日¥2,500 平日¥2,500/特日¥3,000 ¥3,800
    Bike (East only) 平日¥1,000/特日¥2,000 平日¥2,000/特日¥2,800 ¥3,000
    入場料/森林保護サーチャージ お1人様 ¥800(未就学児3歳以下無料)


  • GRACE Jr グラースジュニア


    サイト数: 3サイト
    ご利用可能範囲 12m x 12m
    チェックイン 14:00~17:00 チェックアウト 翌日10:00


    Autosite slope

    GRACE Jr わんサイト


    サイト数: 1サイト
    ご利用可能範囲 12m x 12m
    装備品:タープ、テーブル、イス、インフレーターマット(最大4つ)、わんちゃんグッズ(ティピーテント・ペットトイレ・足ふきタオル・消臭スプレー・おやつ) チェックイン14:00~17:00 チェックアウト翌日10:00



    Autosite slope Autosite slope
    Off charge On charge Top price
    GRACE Jrグラースジュニア 平日¥12,000/休日¥16,000 平日¥19,000/休日¥22,500 ¥24,000
    GRACE Jrわんサイト 平日¥14,000/休日¥18,000 平日¥21,000/休日¥24,500 ¥26,000
  • GRACE MOBIL グラースモービル

    ウッドデッキには、タープとテーブルが付属しており、プライベート感の あるオートサイトです。ご自身のアウトドアアイテムと組み合わせて、素敵なキャンプライフを是非。

    Available range 8m x 10m


    チェックイン 14:00~17:00 チェックアウト 翌日10:00

    Off charge On charge Top price
    GRACE モービル 平日¥7,800/休日¥8,500 平日¥8,000/休日¥8,800 ¥9,300
  • Day camp

    Time 10:00~16:00
    Usage fee
    Location: Shiba / Auto East
    1000円/1サイト 入場料おひとり様(未就学児無料)600円
    * We may decline during times of congestion. note that.

Rental fee

  • Camping Equipment Rental Price List
    One table JPY1,000
    1 chair JPY500
    1 shraf
    Shuffle sheets included
    1 lantern 800 yen
    Charcoal (sold) 3 kg 700 yen
    Chopsticks (for sale) 4 kg 680円
    Ignition agent (sales) JPY650
    Rental security compensation (optional subscription) JPY500
  • BBQ Equipment Rental Price List(tax included)
    BBQ props
    BBQ stove, charcoal 3 kg (additional extra),
    Complete set of cooking utensils, complete set of dishes
    BBQ stove
    Size for 4 to 5 people (with net and iron plate)
    Cooking utensils
    Balls, colanders, peelers, tongs,
    Kitchen knife, cutting board
    Complete set of dishes
    Paper plate plate & ball, split,
    paper cup

※ About rental security compensation (optional subscription)
In this facility, we established compensation system to have you use rental article in peace by visitor.
Rental equipment rented from our facility will be charged at the actual cost if it is damaged intentionally or accidentally.
If you join this compensation system, you will be exempted from the claim for rental equipment damage.

Sales price for BBQ ingredients only (advance reservation required)

REGULAR regular plan 牛サーロイン150g・豚バラ肉100g・鶏モモ125g
From 2 people
MEIHO Meihoプラン 牛サーロイン150g・豚バラ肉100g
・ Kei-chan 100 g ・ Meiho Frank 1/2
From 2 people
VOLUME Volume plan 牛サーロイン150g・豚バラ肉200g・レッグチキン200g
From 2 people

We also sell a single item menu at BBQ Park. (Advance reservation required)